

The Office of Threat Assessment provides training on various threat assessment and management topics including warning behaviors, early intervention, and University Policy HRM-028. From 2019 to 2021, thirty-two trainings were facilitated for 478 attendees. Training requests can be made to the Office of Threat Assessment.

The TAT promotes and endorses University violence prevention efforts through its multidisciplinary partnership. Students, faculty, and employees are encouraged to participate in trainings through CAPSStudent AffairsEOCRFEAPHuman Resources, University Police, and Emergency Management.

De-Escalation Training

In this interactive 50 minute course available on Workday, participants will learn basic communication and de-escalation strategies to manage aggressive behavior and avert conflict. Topics include Stages of Conflict, Verbal and Non-verbal Communication, and Emotional Confrontation.

Active Attacker Prevention, Response, and UVA Alerts

Run-Hide-Fight is a national model that has been adopted on Grounds and throughout the health system. You likely will never need to use these steps but thinking about what you would do in an active attacker situation could enhance your safety. A brief Department of Safety and Security training video discusses Run-Hide-Fight, the UVA Alerts notification process, and the importance of reporting warning behaviors that can precede a violent attack.

All academic and health system EMPLOYEES are encouraged to view the training video via Workday to earn credit for participation. STUDENTS are encouraged to view the training video here. For more information or to request in-person training, contact